Monday, November 13, 2006

Choxie the Bag

I finally finished the thing that has worked me out for the last 2 days: a crochet bag! I saw a pattern in Crochetville and got really really inspired.

This is Donna's bag. It's lovely indeed! However, I don't want to have the same thing as hers so I set foot to search for a different pattern.

By the way, this is how a $200 bag looks:

small and large bangle bags

Donna called hers "cable purse", the $200 one is called "cable bag" and mine is "Choxie"

Let's see:
yarn: $2.17
handles: $5.99
ribbons: $1.00
time: 2 days
to have a one of a kind bag: priceless!

Maybe I should open my own crochet business then?!

Originally posted in my Yahoo 360 blog on July 26, 2006.