Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sunburst Baby Blanket is Done!

Remember some couple of entries ago I mentioned my teddy bear and my desire to make a blanket? Well, it's done already!

It began when I made a square for a member of the 'ville as a part of the Holiday RAOK. Then I left it on top of my teddy bear and it was the cutest thing ever! The bear clutched the piece of afghan square like a poor kid without toys to play but his mom's crochet things.

I felt so bad that he had nothing to play with. You may think I'm silly but teddy bears do need blankets :D Plus after making all the Christmas presents I have some odds and ends of different colors so it's a good opportunity to destash a bit.

The pattern I used is from Dayna's crochet, which has some of the most awesome square patterns ever. I find myself going back there many times to find my perfect afghan square pattern. The pattern I used is called "Star Flower Granny" which is very open and light. I modified a bit by adding one extra row of color and one extra row of white at the end to make it to 10 inches instead of 8 inches. After joining the squares together, I used white, garnet, yellow, and green to do the edges. The final blanket is around 45 inches wide, good enough for a baby.

Here are some pictures of the baby blanket:

The blanket

Detail on the square

The grateful recipient who's wearing my head hugger.